
Gweneth to honor Kenneth? - Girl Names

I really want to honor my father with a future child - his name is [name]Kenneth[/name]. I have looked at all the feminine variations of [name]Kenneth[/name] and none of them are really my thing. [name]Kendra[/name] feels sleezy to me thanks to the playboy association. [name]Kenna[/name] feels too juvenile, [name]McKenna[/name] / [name]Mackenzie[/name] are both really, really, really not my style.

Then I came across [name]Gweneth[/name] - it’s not one I have given a ton of thought to, but the more I think about how close to [name]Kenneth[/name] it is in sound and spelling, the more I like it and the idea of [name]Gwen[/name] as a nickname is very appealing to me.

What are your thoughts on [name]Gweneth[/name] to honor [name]Kenneth[/name]? Is it too off the mark? (I know the [name]Gwyneth[/name] spelling is more popular, but I want to keep it as [name]Gwen[/name] to keep the connection to [name]Ken[/name] and it is an accepted spelling.).


Fernande Dalal

Update: 2024-08-04